Remember the iconic ice-breaker game two truths and a lie? I plan to bring that concept to my blog in the coming weeks. The main difference in my blogging version…no need to guess which is my untruth. Feel free to leave a comment and spill your own truths – or lies for that matter. Here we go.
These beautiful plums are from the front yard at 716. The gardener in me is embarrassed to admit that I had zero idea what kind of trees these were. Last summer I complained to Mr 716 that the tree in our front yard must have contracted some irreversible disease because it’s leaves were turning a reddish color. After my regularly scheduled overreaction, followed by his prompt inspection – to my delight there was no rare and deadly tree disease but fresh cherries. Jackpot. This year the cherries were back in force and to our surprise so was a nice harvest of plums on another previously unidentified tree. Some are a sweet as sugar…others the flavor of a crushed aspirin. I believe the flavor variance has less to do with the selection and more to do with over zealous plum pickers. Oh well, no complaining here, you can’t beat the price.
716 is home to approximately 123,000 plastic dinosaurs. The littlest Anderson is absolutely obsessed. It is rare to find Vivienne without a sweaty grip around her dino of the day selection. I am a believer of using things you truly love in design. As I have said before – while beautiful – it should also be purposeful. With this mantra in mind what better location for her extensive collection of Hello Kitty necklaces than Tina Rex? Something beautiful she loves…check. Also purposeful…check.
I am great at loving myself…flaws and all.
Huge, big, fat lie. We are truly all works in progress and while I love imperfection in most things – personally I am too hard on myself. I should stop eating sugar, lose 5 pounds, cut my hair, grow my bangs, do yoga, wear less black, buy a lint brush, wear dresses more, buy more Spanxs, are those crows feet? …my inner critic – she’s exhausting. The Colbie Caillat viral video below is a refreshing reminder that in our homes, in our lives, in ourselves…imperfections are beautiful.
Love this Becki!! Great blog post, I look forward to many many more! Have a great day!
Amy, thank you so much! Thank you for all you do for me and everyone. You are the best.
Thanks for my daily fix of Mrs716!!!!! Love it!
Thank you for clicking over Kristy! I appreciate you so much!
Thanks for your personal comments, Becki – My list of personal wants and desires are very similar – but aren’t we blessed? Can’t wait for your next blog!
We are so blessed…thank you for reading, leaving comments and sharing Sherry! Sending you love…
Love this one!
If you only knew how much that warmed my heart! Thank you so much for always cheering me on!
Oh Becki, you are a hoot! Just love reading your blogs and enjoy your photography, too. I think I might need a Becki visit again at 8011. We acquired a bit of furniture from my Dad’s estate. Help?!?
Hi Ronda,
Thank you so much! I just told Mr Mark that I would love to come and see 8011. Yes…I would love to help with some furniture fun!
What a great post! I love the video and the message is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your heart!
Happy day friend!
I have been a long time reader, pinner and follower of your blog. I want you to know just how much your comment means to me. Thank you for stopping by…you warmed my heart!